A Beginner’s Guide to Downloading Stock Market Data from Yahoo Finance

Shivam Agarwal
InsiderFinance Wire
3 min readAug 3, 2023


Before you leap into the stock market arena, arm yourself with the power of data. Let Yahoo Finance be your guiding star.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Every stock market data point provides a snapshot of a stock’s performance on a particular day. These are the most commonly encountered terminologies:

  1. Open: The price at which a stock starts trading upon the market’s opening. Significant differences from the previous day’s close can indicate major market news or events.
  2. High: The peak price for the stock during the trading session. This number indicates the maximum valuation the market assigned to the stock on that day.
  3. Low: The lowest ebb of the stock’s price during the trading session, signifying its minimum valuation.
  4. Close: The stock’s price at the end of the trading session. It’s a consensus of the stock’s value after accounting for all trading activities of the day.
  5. Adjusted Close (Adj Close): A more refined version of the closing price. It factors in events such as dividends, stock splits, and new stock offerings. For historical data and backtesting, this number is crucial as it offers an accurate stock value representation over time.
  6. Volume: An indicator of activity, it represents the total number of shares traded during the session. High volumes often correlate with significant news or events affecting the stock.

1. Setting Up the Environment

Before we dive in, ensure you have the required libraries installed. If not, you can get them via pip:

pip install yfinance pandas

2. Downloading Data with YFinance

yfinance is a popular library that offers a clean way to download data from Yahoo Finance.

Basic Data Download

For a single stock:

import yfinance as yf

data = yf.download('AAPL', start='2020-01-01', end='2023-01-01')

Multiple Stocks

For multiple stocks:

stocks = ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'GOOGL']
data = yf.download(stocks, start='2020-01-01', end='2023-01-01', group_by='ticker')

Downloading all the historical data

ticker_symbol = "AAPL" 
# Download all historical data for the specified ticker
data = yf.download(ticker_symbol)

Issues with downloading data from yfinance:

  1. Incomplete Data:
  • Some days might be missing from the dataset, especially for older dates or less popular stocks.
  • Causes: Stock market holidays, technical glitches, or the stock wasn’t traded on certain days.

2. Data Discrepancies:

  • Sometimes, the data you download might not match other sources.
  • Causes: Different data vendors might have varying methods for calculating adjusted prices, or there might be errors in data collection.

3. Rate Limiting:

  • If you send too many requests in a short amount of time, you might be temporarily blocked.
  • Causes: Many online platforms have rate limits to prevent abuse. Exceeding these limits can result in temporary or permanent IP bans.

4. Connection Errors:

  • Issues with your internet connection or the server’s connection might disrupt data downloading.
  • Causes: Temporary server downtimes, your internet connectivity issues, or other network problems.

5. Historical Data Adjustments:

  • Sometimes, historical data can be retroactively adjusted by the platform.
  • Causes: Post-facto corrections due to previously undiscovered errors or adjustments (like stock splits, dividends).

6. Time Zone Differences:

  • Financial data is timestamped, and discrepancies might arise if you’re not careful about time zones.
  • Causes: Not accounting for time zones can result in misalignment, especially if you’re merging data from different sources.

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Shivam is an accomplished analytics professional and algo trader, sharing expertise in algo trading, data science, and AI through insightful publications.